Mobirise Website Builder

Marcelius Surya

Hi! I'm a third year college student at Bina Nusantara University, majoring in Computer Science with a specialization in Cyber Security.

My interest in Cyber Security has led me to focus on developing critical skills, including Quality Assurance and Penetration Testing. Additionally, I explore the realm of front-end and back-end development to comprehensively understand various layers of technology. Beyond academic pursuits, I actively engage in student organizations and associations on campus.


Mobirise Website Builder

Frashmen Leader & Partner

2022 - 2023

In my role, I assist new students adapt to university life by providing essential academic information, introducing campus organizations, and assisting with academic challenges. I also monitor students' progress in both academic and non-academic areas, fostering two-way communication for a supportive university experience.

Mobirise Website Builder

Assistant Lecturer @Cahaya Bangsa Classical School (2023)
Assistant Lecturer - Responsi (2022)

2022 - 2023

At Cahaya Bangsa Classical School, I deliver comprehensive explanations of IT and Python materials to students. This includes the meticulous preparation of presentation materials to facilitate effective learning. Additionally, I actively engage with and assist students who may be facing challenges, ensuring a supportive and enriching educational experience.

As the assistant lecturer for Responsi HIMTI, I explain Scientific Computing (Python) material for the exam. I also assist friends who are experiencing difficulties.


This part will be coming soon


Mobirise Website Builder
Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik BINUS

> Coordinator of Public Relations (2023)
> Coordinator of Equipment (2022)

Mobirise Website Builder
Himpunan Teknik Informatika BINUS

> Activist of Relations Division - Marketing



HIMTI - Staff of Concept and Design - HINGAR - 2022

• Collaborating to create design concepts.
• Designing virtual backgrounds, PowerPoint presentations, and posters.
• Using Figma and Adobe for design purposes.

HIMTI - Staff of Equipment - TECHNO - 2022

• Collaborating to list the required needs.
• Negotiating to reach agreements with vendors.
• Serving as the moderator on Zoom and YouTube during the event.

KMK - Vice President New Student Admission - 2022

• Assisting the president in the smooth execution of events.
• Conducting progress meetings for each division.
• Ensuring the seamless flow of events.
• Assisting coordinators in each division when facing challenges.
• Evaluating each event that takes place.
• Providing reports and receiving feedback from the advisor.

KMK - Coordinator of Equipment Studi Banding Telkom University - 2022

• Leading meetings in the equipment division
• Organizing work schedules
• Become a moderator in discussion sessions

BINUS - Co Host Webinar PIT AIA 2022

• Opening the Zoom room for hosting the webinar
• Contacting participants
• Assisting with technical issues and documenting the proceedings

Contact Me

I'm always open to discussions and collaborations. If you have ideas to share or are interested in working together, let's connect. Feel free to reach out to me!


+62 81295261229



Jakarta, Indonesia